
For your convenience, you can install llvmlite using the pre-built binaries provided for the conda package manager.

If do not want to use conda or if you modified llvmlite yourself, you need to build it manually.

Pre-built binaries

Official binaries are available in the Anaconda® distribution.

  • To install the pre-built binaries, run:

    conda install llvmlite
  • To obtain a more recent version, fetch the automatic builds from the Numba Anaconda Cloud channel:

    conda install --channel numba llvmlite

Building manually


Before building, you must have the following:

  • On Windows:

    • Visual Studio 2015 or later, to compile LLVM and llvmlite. The free Express edition is acceptable.
    • CMake installed.
    • LLVM built using CMake in Release mode.

    Be sure to use the correct bit format—either 32-bit or 64-bit—for your Python installation.

  • On Unix:

    • An LLVM 5.0 build—libraries and header files—available somewhere.
    • On recent Ubuntu or Debian systems, you may install the llvm-5.0-dev package, if it is available.
    • If building LLVM on Ubuntu, the linker may report an error if the development version of libedit is not installed. If you run into this problem, install libedit-dev.


  1. To build the llvmlite C wrapper, which embeds a statically linked copy of the required subset of LLVM, run:

    python build
  2. If your LLVM is installed in a nonstandard location, set the LLVM_CONFIG environment variable to the location of the corresponding llvm-config or llvm-config.exe executable. This variable must persist into the installation of llvmlite—for example, into a Python environment.

    EXAMPLE: If LLVM is installed in /opt/llvm/ with the llvm-config binary located at /opt/llvm/bin/llvm-config, set LLVM_CONFIG=/opt/llvm/bin/llvm-config.


  1. To validate your build, run the test suite by running:



    python -m llvmlite.tests
  2. If the validation is successful, install by running:

    python install