Frequently Asked Questions
Why doesn’t llvmlite
always support the latest release(s) of LLVM?
There’s a few reasons for this:
Most importantly, if llvmlite declares it supports a given version of LLVM, it means that the development team has verified that the particular LLVM version will work for llvmlite uses, mainly that it works fine for JIT compiler projects (like Numba). This testing is extensive and it’s not uncommon to have to patch LLVM in the process/make decisions about the severity of problems/report problems upstream to LLVM. Ultimately, if the build is not considered stable across all supported architectures/OS combinations then support is not declared.
LLVM sometimes updates its API or internal behaviour and it takes time to work out what needs to be done to accommodate this on all of llvmlite’s supported architectures/OS combinations.
There is a set of patches that ship along with the LLVM builds for llvmlite. These patches are necessary and often need porting to work on new LLVM versions, this takes time and requires testing. It should be noted that LLVM builds that come with e.g. linux distributions may not work well with the llvmlite intended use cases.
Why Static Linking to LLVM?
The llvmlite package uses LLVM via ctypes calls to a C wrapper that is statically linked to LLVM. Some people are surprised that llvmlite uses static linkage to LLVM, but there are several important reasons for this:
The LLVM API has not historically been stable across releases - Although things have improved since LLVM 4.0, there are still enough changes between LLVM releases to cause compilation issues if the right version is not matched with llvmlite.
The LLVM shipped by most Linux distributions is not the version llvmlite needs - The release cycles of Linux distributions will never line up with LLVM or llvmlite releases.
We need to patch LLVM - The binary packages of llvmlite are built against LLVM with a handful of patches to either fix bugs or to add features that have not yet been merged upstream. In some cases, we’ve had to carry patches for several releases before they make it into LLVM.
We don’t need most of LLVM - We are sensitive to the install size of llvmlite, and a full build of LLVM is quite large. We can dramatically reduce the total disk needed by an llvmlite user (who typically doesn’t need the rest of LLVM, ignoring the version matching issue) by statically linking to the library and pruning the symbols we do not need.
Numba can use multiple LLVM builds at once - Some Numba targets (AMD GPU, for example) may require different LLVM versions or non-mainline forks of LLVM to work. These other LLVMs can be wrapped in a similar fashion as llvmlite, and will stay isolated.
Static linkage of LLVM was definitely not our goal early in Numba development, but seems to have become the only workable solution given our constraints.